Aromatherapy - How to use it ?
Use of aromatherapy A range of essential oils can help improve health and well-being. Aromatherapy is typically used by inhalation or topically. Inhalation: Oils evaporate into the air using a diffuser, spray or oil droplets, or are inhaled, for example in a steam bath. In addition to providing a pleasant scent, aromatherapy oils can provide respiratory disinfection, decongestant, and psychological benefits. Inhaling essential oils stimulates the olfactory system, the part of the brain connected to smell, including the nose and the brain. Molecules that enter the nose or mouth pass into the lungs and from there to other parts of the body. When molecules reach the brain, they affect the limbic system, which is linked to emotions, heart rate, blood pressure, breathing, memory, stress, and hormonal balance. So, essential oils can have a subtle but comprehensive effect on the body. Topical Applications: Massage oils, bath products, and skin care products are absorbed through the skin...